Shoes for Shelters

Through May 17, 2015, PPA is collecting gently used and new shoes for the Shoes for Shelters program. Any style shoe (slippers, flip flops, runners, ice skates, boots, etc) is welcome, provided the complete pair is free of holes and has soles still attached. Shoes will be sent to developing countries.

Can you help PPA raise $1000 by filling 100 bags with 25 pairs? Please contact us if you would like to help by getting your own bag to collect 25 pairs:

Collection Locations:

College Nannies + Tutors – All 4 Austin locations:

Shoes will also be collected at the PPA events on our calendar.

shoes shelters single
Printable PDF Flier
: We appreciate your help spreading the word. Please share with your friends, family and co-workers.

Don’t have extra shoes, but want to help? Donations always appreciated!